...just that. Comments welcome -- on content, mechanics, style...whatever..
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Xmas List
Computer Case
Mp3 player
A partridge in a Pear Tree
A tattoo
A new car
A coat
A sweater
Notebook Paper
A Fountain Pen
Snowboard Socks (different from socks mind you)
A scooter
A Hockey Stick
A Life *please include a gift receipt*
A 4.0
A chain saw
A white Subaru
A hug
A Beanie
A teddy Bear
A Blanket
A cord of wood (ill chop it)
A Baseball Mitt
Henrietta Hen
A tree
A fly swatter
A wooden Rosary
Canned Peaches
An Aloe Vera plant
A gym partner
A boat
A spork
A Red Blackhawks sweatshirt
A Candle
Divinum Officium
A cooling thingy for Laptops
Remittance of debt
Binding for my Liber
Silver Bells
Cockel Shells
Help with Tuition
Bedspread and sheets
A frame for my Windmill
Gift Cards for Food and Books
Eduardo Verástegui
A Guitar
A Bulletproof vest
A Scarf! how could i forget a scarf!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Richard Nixon Killed Kennedy!
"I don’t believe in polls, and 62% of Americans agree with me. No, I make my predictions by looking for superficial connections in seemingly random information. Its a power I call the "DaColbert Code.
Let me remind you how it works. Say I wanted to know who killed president Kennedy. Ok, let’s see. The movie “JFK” was directed by Oliver Stone, which leads us to the Rolling Stones, Rolling Rock, lobster boat, man overboard, waterboard, watergate, Oh my God, Richard Nixon killed Kennedy! My apologies to Fidel Castro, the Dallas Police, the Mafia, the FBI, the Masons, LBJ, Ike Turner and the Hamburgler. I never should have subpoenaed any of you.
Now let’s use the code to answer the question on everyone’s mind. Who will be our next president? The race is clearly going to be won by the biggest patriot. So let’s start with the New England Patriots, whose quarterback is Tom Brady, Greg Brady, Greg Allman, Almond Joy, Lemon Fresh Joy, Farm fresh eggs, farmer in the dell, There was a farmer had a dog and bingo was his name O-bama! No! Nonono! That can’t be right.
I just started it off wrong. Let me start again. Ok, there’s a race for the white house, so white house, white guy, Guy Smiley, smiley face,horse face, horseshoe, shoe shine, shoe box, Johann Sebastian Bach, baroque music, Baroque Obama - NO! Stupid code.
Ok, I got it. The next president is going to be a maverick, and the character Brett Maverick was played by James Garner, Jennifer Garner, Jennifer Lopez, George Lopez, George of the Jungle, In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight, Bobby Knight, Bob Hope, Audacity of Hope, Barack Obama - SHOOT!"
Well he goes on of course... you get the idea. Funny stuff :)
Friday, November 14, 2008
Shipping Containers... Home Sweet Home?
Quik House is all the rage among the design elite (fashion designer Cynthia Rowley and interior designer Albert Hadley are among his clients). But Kalkin envisions another use for his Quik House, as well. He is currently collaborating with the Pingry School (Kalkin is an alum) on a year-long project to build a disaster relief housing prototype on the school's Martinville, New Jersey, campus. "Our objective is to create an inexpensive, quick, and environmentally sustainable architectural system that could be used by millions of inadequately housed people around the world," says Kalkin. Students will work with Kalkin and faculty in the fine arts, computer science, and biology to address economic, agricultural, energy, health, and social issues relevant to disaster relief in addition to participating in the construction of the prototype. 'This project will benefit the student community at Pingry," Kalkin says, "but more importantly it will contribute to the discourse surrounding the issue of adequate housing throughout the world.' "
What do you think?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
linked from Mark Kaske
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Stephen Colbert
p.s. I particularly like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert @ the Emmys. It is ridiculously funny, and always makes my bad days better. Plus Stephen Colbert uses the word "pablum"... it has to be good ! :D
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Ok ...well here is the video I wanted to post Conan and Pilobolus but it wont let me embed it, and I assume NBC is going to make them take it down soon... so heres another:
Saturday, September 27, 2008
"...If Marlon Brando and James Dean defined the defiant American male as a sullen rebel, Paul Newman recreated him as a likable renegade, a strikingly handsome figure of animal high spirits and blue-eyed candor whose magnetism was almost impossible to resist, whether the character was Hud, Cool Hand Luke or Butch Cassidy.

He acted in more than 65 movies over more than 50 years, drawing on a physical grace, unassuming intelligence and good humor that made it all seem effortless.
Yet he was also an ambitious, intellectual actor and a passionate student of his craft, and he achieved what most of his peers find impossible: remaining a major star into a craggy, charismatic old age even as he redefined himself as more than Hollywood star. He raced cars, opened summer camps for ailing children and became a nonprofit entrepreneur with a line of foods that put his picture on supermarket shelves around the world.
Mr. Newman made his Hollywood debut in the 1954 costume film “The Silver Chalice.” but Stardom arrived a year and a half later, when he inherited from James Dean the role of the boxer Rocky Graziano in “Somebody Up There Likes Me.” Mr. Dean had been killed in car crash before the screenplay was finished.
It was a rapid rise for Mr. Newman, but being taken seriously as an actor took longer. He was almost undone by his star power, his classic good looks and, most of all, his brilliant blue eyes. “I picture my epitaph,” he once said. “Here lies Paul Newman, who died a failure because his eyes turned brown.”
Mr. Newman’s filmography was a cavalcade of flawed heroes and winning antiheroes stretching over decades. In 1958 he was a drifting confidence man determined to marry a Southern belle in an adaptation of “The Long, Hot Summer.” In 1982, in “The Verdict,” he was a washed-up alcoholic lawyer who finds a chance to redeem himself in a medical malpractice case.
And in 2002, at 77, having lost none of his charm, he was affably deadly as Tom Hanks’s gangster boss in “Road to Perdition.” It was his last onscreen role in a major theatrical release. (He supplied the voice of the veteran race car Doc in the Pixar animated film “Cars” in 2006.)
Few major American stars have chosen to play so many imperfect men.
As Hud Bannon in “Hud” (1963) Mr. Newman was a heel on the Texas range who wanted the good life and was willing to sell diseased cattle to get it. The character was intended to make the audience feel “loathing and disgust,” Mr. Newman told a reporter. Instead, he said, “we created a folk hero.”
As the self-destructive convict in “Cool Hand Luke” (1967) Mr. Newman was too rebellious to be broken by a brutal prison system. As Butch Cassidy in “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” (1969) he was the most amiable and antic of bank robbers, memorably paired with Robert Redford. And in “The Hustler” (1961) he was the small-time pool shark Fast Eddie, a role he recreated 25 years later, now as a well-heeled middle-aged liquor salesman, in “The Color of Money” (1986).
That performance, alongside Tom Cruise, brought Mr. Newman his sole Academy Award, for best actor, after he had been nominated for that prize six times. In all he received eight Oscar nominations for best actor and one for best supporting actor, in “Road to Perdition.” “Rachel, Rachel,” which he directed, was nominated for best picture.
“When a role is right for him, he’s peerless,” the film critic Pauline Kael wrote in 1977. “Newman is most comfortable in a role when it isn’t scaled heroically; even when he plays a bastard, he’s not a big bastard — only a callow, selfish one, like Hud. He can play what he’s not — a dumb lout. But you don’t believe it when he plays someone perverse or vicious, and the older he gets and the better you know him, the less you believe it. His likableness is infectious; nobody should ever be asked not to like Paul Newman.”
But the movies and the occasional stage role were never enough for him. He became a successful racecar driver, winning several Sports Car Club of America national driving titles. He even competed at Daytona in 1995 as a 70th birthday present to himself. In 1982, as a lark, he decided to sell a salad dressing he had created and bottled for friends at Christmas. Thus was born the Newman’s Own brand, an enterprise he started with his friend A. E. Hotchner, the writer. More than 25 years later the brand has expanded to include, among other foods, lemonade, popcorn, spaghetti sauce, pretzels, organic Fig Newmans and wine. (His daughter Nell Newman runs the company’s organic arm.) All its profits, of more than $200 million, have been donated to charity, the company says.
Much of the money was used to create a string of Hole in the Wall Gang Camps, named for the outlaw gang in “Butch Cassidy.” The camps provide free summer recreation for children with cancer and other serious illnesses. Mr. Newman was actively involved in the project, even choosing cowboy hats as gear so that children who had lost their hair because of chemotherapy could disguise their baldness......

A Few Quotes:
“We are such spendthrifts with our lives,” Mr. Newman once told a reporter. “The trick of living is to slip on and off the planet with the least fuss you can muster. I’m not running for sainthood. I just happen to think that in life we need to be a little like the farmer, who puts back into the soil what he takes out.”
"If I ever feel like I'm doing something I've done before, I scrap it and start over again..."
"When I realized I was going to have to be a whore, to put my face on the label, I decided that the only way I could do it was to give away all the money we make. Over the years, that ethical stance has given us a 30 per cent boost. One in three customers buys my products because all the profits go to good causes and the rest buy the stuff because it is good."

"I never ask my wife about my flaws. Instead I try to get her to ignore them and concentrate on my sense of humor. You don't want any woman to look under the carpet, guys, because there's lots of flaws underneath. Joanne believes my character in a film we did together, 'Mr. and Mrs. Bridge' comes closest to who I really am. I personally don't think there's one character who comes close . . . but I learned a long time ago not to disagree on things that I don't have a solid opinion about."
"I've repeatedly said that for people as little in common as Joanne and myself, we have an uncommonly good marriage. We are actors. We make pictures and that's about all we have in common. Maybe that's enough. Wives shouldn't feel obligated to accompany their husbands to a ball game, husbands do look a bit silly attending morning coffee breaks with the neighborhood wives when most men are out at work. Husbands and wives should have separate interests, cultivate different sets of friends and not impose on the other...You can't spend a lifetime breathing down each other's necks." Thanks Paul! At least someone shares my opinion! Here I thought I was being a feminazi ...

"I've been accused of being aloof. I'm not. I'm just wary..." Bingo, more people should be like this...
"I picture my epitaph: 'Here lies Paul Newman, who died a failure because his eyes turned brown.'"
"Once you've seen your face on a bottle of salad dressing. it's hard to take yourself seriously."

The Fourth Screen
P.S. If you liked this, youtube some more of the Nseries commercials. Theyre quite good. I am Nokia, Listen ... also if you like the song, its In My Heart by Moby (for whome I have a soft spot in my heart on account of his ancestry :) )
Friday, September 26, 2008
Obituarys CNN has already written:
Roy Horn
When a tiger tries to rip your head off, it generally succeeds ...unless you're able to withstand its attack through the powers of magic, like Roy, one-half of that Ambiguously Gay, German Duo, Siegfried and Roy. Whether Montecore, the tiger, was truly trying to attack Roy or merely use him as a Pez dispenser remains a matter of some dispute. What can't be disputed, however, is that CNN is still ready to publish their Roy obituary the second he finally takes a Lufthansa flight to the Great Wienerschnitzel in the Sky....
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
More Firefox stuff
Block Facebook Adds
...more to follow on this subject when I get a minute to think...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Pre-Game Coin Toss Makes Jacksonville Jaguars Realize Randomness Of Life
Totally reminiscent of one of my favorite Monty Python Skits:
Friday, September 5, 2008
Image created by: http://wordle.net/
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I Met the Walrus
In 1969, a 14-year-old Beatle fanatic named Jerry Levitan, armed with a reel-to-reel tape deck, snuck into John Lennon's hotel room in Toronto and convinced John to do an interview about peace :
Also, here is an interview with the Josh Raskin, I couldn't find it the other day, but i ran across it accidentally again. Yay!
Editing John Lennon: Josh Raskin on Making I Met the Walrus
Monday, September 1, 2008
You're Insane! No one uses Microsoft Works!!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Periodic Table
Hahaha YES!!!! Why didn't we have chem teachers like this? So these guys have a video for every element on the periodic table and then some :). Bloody brilliant if I dont say so myself :D
www.periodicvideos.com or their Youtube channel http://uk.youtube.com/user/periodicvideos
Monday, January 21, 2008
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King Jr.