I thought this was well done, and slightly fascinating. I love simplicity :) Also, having lived on an Apple Orchard, this lil vid holds a special place in my heart. Enjoy :)
The Seed from Johnny Kelly on Vimeo.
...just that. Comments welcome -- on content, mechanics, style...whatever..
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
A Type of Fire
I read today with sadness that Nicholas Hughes, son of Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes, had committed suicide. What he must have gone through. You can read the story in the NYTimes or on MSN. I like the MSN article better because it speaks about Mr. Hughes, not just his parents. Anyhow, any suicide is a tragedy, no matter who it is. It reminded me of this poem by Taylor Mali :
Edit: Thanks to JH for posting this article My Friend Nick
Google Tools
Search Google Images by Color
*edit* Google has now added a little box on their Image Search in order to search by color! lol so much for my little hack secret!!! :)

Search Google Images by Dimension
This is really great when you're looking for wallpaper of high quality images.
*edit* Google has now added a little box on their Image Search in order to search by color! lol so much for my little hack secret!!! :)
Search Google Images by Dimension
This is really great when you're looking for wallpaper of high quality images.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Here are two videos from Sony Bravia... The first I love the song, and the video had me hunched over like a five year old, smiling ear to ear. Sheer Joy :) The second is great in its own right, I love the inside shots, and always the red :) Color. John Ruskin said "The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love color the most" Sony must have some children working for them :) It reminds me of a few Chesterton excerpts ...
"Rich colours actually look more luminous on a grey day, because they are seen against a dark background, and seem to be burning with a lustre of their own. Against a dim sky all flowers look like fireworks. There is something strange about them at once vivid and secret, like flowers traced in fire in the grim garden of a witch. A bright blue sky is necessarily the high light in the picture, and its brightness kills all the bright blue flowers. But on a grey day the larkspur looks like fallen heaven; the red daisies are really the lost-red eyes of day, and the sun-flower is the vice-regent of the sun. Lastly, there is this value about the colour that men call colourless that it suggests in some way the mixed and troubled average of existence, especially in its quality of strife and expectation and promise. Grey is a colour that always seems on the eve of changing to some other colour; of brightening into blue, or blanching into white or breaking into green or gold. So we may be perpetually reminded of the indefinite hope that is in doubt itself; and when there is grey weather on our hills or grey hair on our heads perhaps they may still remind us of the morning." (From "Daily News")
"I do not know if other people are made like me in this matter; but to me it is always dreary weather, what may be called useless weather, that slings into life a sense of action and romance. On bright blue days I do not want anything to happen; the world is complete and beautiful, a thing for contemplation. I no more ask for adventures under that turquoise dome than I ask for
adventures in church. But when the background of man's life is a grey background, then, in the name of man's sacred supremacy,I desire to paint on it in fire and gore." (From "Tremendous Trifles")
On a side note, you can watch the Making Of in this video, which leads me to say how much I love advertising -- you know, its about the product, a very practical matter, and its also about humanity. The really good advertising is the one that can connect on a human level. I suppose if I had gone into Graphic Design like I originally intended, I might have ended up in advertising -- technical and creative, good stuff :)
"Rich colours actually look more luminous on a grey day, because they are seen against a dark background, and seem to be burning with a lustre of their own. Against a dim sky all flowers look like fireworks. There is something strange about them at once vivid and secret, like flowers traced in fire in the grim garden of a witch. A bright blue sky is necessarily the high light in the picture, and its brightness kills all the bright blue flowers. But on a grey day the larkspur looks like fallen heaven; the red daisies are really the lost-red eyes of day, and the sun-flower is the vice-regent of the sun. Lastly, there is this value about the colour that men call colourless that it suggests in some way the mixed and troubled average of existence, especially in its quality of strife and expectation and promise. Grey is a colour that always seems on the eve of changing to some other colour; of brightening into blue, or blanching into white or breaking into green or gold. So we may be perpetually reminded of the indefinite hope that is in doubt itself; and when there is grey weather on our hills or grey hair on our heads perhaps they may still remind us of the morning." (From "Daily News")
"I do not know if other people are made like me in this matter; but to me it is always dreary weather, what may be called useless weather, that slings into life a sense of action and romance. On bright blue days I do not want anything to happen; the world is complete and beautiful, a thing for contemplation. I no more ask for adventures under that turquoise dome than I ask for
adventures in church. But when the background of man's life is a grey background, then, in the name of man's sacred supremacy,I desire to paint on it in fire and gore." (From "Tremendous Trifles")
On a side note, you can watch the Making Of in this video, which leads me to say how much I love advertising -- you know, its about the product, a very practical matter, and its also about humanity. The really good advertising is the one that can connect on a human level. I suppose if I had gone into Graphic Design like I originally intended, I might have ended up in advertising -- technical and creative, good stuff :)
Friday, March 20, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
The Life and Opinions of Moby Dick, Whale, Mon.
The strangest thing happened today. Well, ok, so it wasn't that strange, but I just love when this happens, and it fascinates me every time. Maybe I can turn it into a research paper... Anyhow, so there I was checking Recently Banned Literature for anything new, and generally if I have a bit of time Ill pick a blog link at random and check it out. Tristram Shandy caught my eye, and I moseyed on over there to check it out. (Btw, did you know that "mosey" either means to stray leisurely or to leave quickly... love words like that, especially since in this case, being the internet and all, it works perfectly both ways!
Anyway, back to the happening...) So, I read a bit, skip around, not really familiar with this work, but I know Defoe so I have a general idea of time frame and all that, checked out William's poem, dusted off a place for it in my mental library-- trying to pseudo familiarize myself with the work. After all if it's "most hated", I'm bound to run across it at some point. So you're probably wondering what is so awesome about this -- well, nothing yet because I realized mid-mosey that I have a paper on Melville due soon and I should probably be thinking about it. So off I go (no wonder I never get anything done...) So off I go to Melville's Marginalia, which my prof. told us about the other day in class. I'm thinking about doing my Moby Dick paper on Moby Dick and Pop Culture (don't ask, I really have no idea yet, except the little nugget of knowledge that Starbucks company name comes from Moby Dick...I'm nervous about that getting me ten or so pages though). Anyway, this Marginalia is awesome! Basically it's a catalogue of books borrowed and owned by Melville, and his inscriptions/marginalia. So obviously I can't search current pop culture for marginalia within Moby Dick as that would be backwards and wouldn't garner any results. So randomly I just type in "music" into the keyword search.
Wouldn't hurt to see what Melville knows about music, plus it could always make a nice paper topic if I happened to find any music connections in Moby Dick. (Don't worry, I'm almost to the awesome part...) So I'm reading through the works that Melville owned or borrowed with music in the title or something like that. Most of them are books his father-in-law borrowed while Melville was visiting --hmmm, I wonder what Melville's father-in-law was so interested in music for. So I quickly scroll to the bottom, because by this time I'm remembering that I have a midterm History exam this afternoon, and I should probably go study. There at the bottom of the page what do you think I find?! Sterne, Laurence, 1713-1768 "The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gent."
The very last entry. Weird! I mean of course it makes perfect sense that Melville would have read/owned this book since it was pretty popular. But really, how random that I run across it today and while searching a keyword like music. Now how cool (and anticlimactic) is that!!!! :)

The very last entry. Weird! I mean of course it makes perfect sense that Melville would have read/owned this book since it was pretty popular. But really, how random that I run across it today and while searching a keyword like music. Now how cool (and anticlimactic) is that!!!! :)
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