Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wordle! and then some

Here is a  Wordle from the last couple of months from this blog, A Bit of Silliness... Also, since I love word art and calligraphy, I've been looking into typography and micrography a lot lately.  You can check out my first go at it here on Cabbages and Kings where I used the text of the I Met The Walrus interview to create a picture of John Lennon. I just used layers and masking for this image, but eventually I'd like to do a real micrography project in which the words themselves make up the image, not just their colors.  Obviously this takes hours of planning and work for something that is very detailed, so I'll get to that when I get to that :)  For now, check out some truly astounding examples of this ancient form or art from LA Pop Art  :

<< This image of The Godfather is created out of the entire script of the film. (click to enlarge)

This one I found over at Hey Ok:  Notorious B.I.G and the lyrics of Hypnotize  >>

And finally, since I love John Lennon, here is a really great piece done by Dencii over at deviantArt:


Also: My thanks to Stephen Pael for joining the fray. Hello! and have fun! :)

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